What Is The Best Crop For Climate Resilience?


PQK Chestnut Trees available from United Chestnuts
What crops support climate resilience?

I read this question and information in a LinkedIn post by Jeremy Kaufman, Co-Founder & COO of Propagate.  You can find it here if you missed the Branching Out podcast episode with him.

So, if you were to design the best crop for climate resilience, what characteristics would it have?  Jeremy shared a solid list with us:

1. Drought tolerance
2. Wide geographic range
3. High caloric production per acre
4. Edible with minimal processing
5. Wide soil suitability
6. Perennial
7. Minimal or manageable pest pressures
8. Wind pollinated
9. True-to-seed breeding traits
10. Minimal inputs required
11. Late budding & flowering to avoid frosts

Then he asked, what crops fit some, if not all, of these characteristics? And are there more characteristics I’m not thinking of? 

The answer? Chinese Chestnut has all 11 of these characteristics.  

This is one reason many are very enthused about the promise of chestnut trees and industry growth in the US.  

If this topic interests you, subscribe to this weekly blog and the chestnut industry podcast Branching Out available on YouTube and other streaming platforms. 

Upcoming guests include Abby Johnson from Ox Height Farm, practicing agroforestry along with chestnut orchards, and Mike (James) Nave – a pioneer like none other.  And join the conversation on the United Chestnuts Community Facebook page along with other groups!  

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