Chestnut Industry Disruptors. This One Is For You.

The chestnut movement is on the rise. Learn more about how and why!

I’m known as an innovator and disruptor for a Berkshire Hathaway company in my “day job.” This week, a colleague sent me a post-it note that her family had in their home as an encouragement to keep going. Thank you, Shannon and family! As shared above, it states, “being a disruptor is hard.” 

Thanks to a comment on our Facebook page, I decided to add this definition of a disruptor. Companies need disruptors—those who question how things are done and test strategies, products, and services against the existing market. These people aren’t afraid to find a new way of working to drive commercial growth. Without such employees, many businesses will fail. 

I am sharing this to encourage all of us in the United States to continue working to push the chestnut movement and community forward through hard work, creativity, innovation, and, yes, disruption.

That might be you; 

  • a consumer
  • health food enthusiast
  • researcher
  • chef
  • chestnut grower
  • grower of chestnut trees
  • landowner bringing additional value to your land
  • agroforestry commitment 
  • commercial grower
  • wildlife fan 
  • committed to sustainability and organics

Or perhaps you are kindred spirits with me—someone on a mission to incorporate marketing technology, branding, and analytics to advance the movement. Thanks to Kim Douglass at DTM Collective for the collaboration.  

This picture is from my LinkedIn profile, demonstrating my commitment to activism. By the way, you can connect with me on LinkedIn. We’ll need this level of commitment to bring our relatively unknown product to the forefront.

The chestnut industry is at a pivotal moment, presenting an opportunity for disruptive change. By raising awareness and rekindling interest in this versatile and nutritious nut, we can bring it back to the forefront of the modern consumer landscape. Given the rich history and cultural significance of chestnuts, the potential benefits of this disruption are significant.

Firstly, there’s a pressing need to address the lack of consumer awareness surrounding chestnuts. While they boast various health benefits and culinary versatility, many consumers need to become more familiar with them beyond their traditional association with holiday recipes. By disrupting the status quo through innovative marketing campaigns, educational initiatives, and creative culinary applications, we can spotlight chestnuts and their potential to enrich diets and culinary experiences.

chestnut trees chestnut growers chestnuts
Bob Stehli with one big chestnut tree!

Secondly, the chestnut industry faces environmental challenges that require proactive solutions. Climate change, pests, and diseases threaten chestnut orchards worldwide, jeopardizing production and biodiversity. 

Disruption in the industry involves promoting sustainable practices, such as agroforestry techniques, genetic diversity conservation, and research into disease-resistant varieties. Embracing innovation in cultivation methods and technology can help mitigate these challenges and ensure the long-term viability of chestnut production.

Furthermore, leveraging technological advancements and market trends is essential for the chestnut industry to thrive in the digital age. E-commerce platforms, social media marketing, and food delivery services offer unprecedented opportunities to connect with consumers and cultivate demand for chestnut products. Embracing digital disruption enables producers to reach broader audiences, engage with consumers directly, and adapt to evolving preferences and lifestyles.

In conclusion, urgently disrupting the chestnut industry is a shared responsibility. By raising awareness, embracing sustainability, and leveraging innovation, we can collectively rejuvenate interest in chestnuts and secure their place in the modern culinary landscape. Through the concerted efforts of producers, retailers, and consumers, we can ensure a vibrant future for chestnuts, enriching our plates and planet.

At United Chestnuts, we help others by providing information, awareness, consulting, tree sales, and chestnuts. We’ve created a forum on the United Chestnuts Community Facebook Group to share success stories and challenges. 

Please consider subscribing to Branching Out, a podcast for the chestnut community. Upcoming guests include Buzz Ferver and Bob Stehli (pictured above at his farm). If you don’t know who they are, I suggest a quick Google search.

YouTube – Chestnut Industry podcast Branching Out hosted by United Chestnuts

Audible – Chestnut Industry podcast Branching Out hosted by United Chestnuts

Spotify –  Chestnut Industry podcast Branching Out hosted by United Chestnuts

iHeart – Chestnut Industry podcast Branching Out hosted by United Chestnuts

The weekly blog and the chestnut industry podcast focus primarily on spotlighting the successes of industry pioneers and telling the stories of the newer faces joining the disruption. They also provide information, motivation, and all-around good stuff.

As always, reach out to with questions and ideas!  

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